Weekly - CW21, CW22 and CW23

The organisation of the first Lean and Kanban meetup in Budapest kept me busy, but here are the interesting links from the last three weeks calendar week 21, 22, and 23 2011:

Lean and Kanban


Leadership and Organisation


  • I recently started to pay more attention to my favourite topic: testing. The Code Whisperer blogged about the integration tests. I understand his concerns, but I still like to write more higher level tests than micro tests.

  • Code Bubbles: revolution of the integrated development environments? Decide by yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsPX0nElJ0k

  • An Industrial Logic post about how to find which features the users use the most or will use in the future.

  • My friend Tamás Győrfi also has a blog. He mostly writes about clean code, code kata, and Agile transition.

  • I found this brilliant image at http://net.tutsplus.com:

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