- Path Reference in Gemfile Gemfiles (the configuration file for bundler, a dependency manager for ruby) have a nice feature that allows for specifying the location of a dependency.
- Moving From Cucumber to Turnip I was about to refactor one of my old ruby apps when I realized that I didn't want to write more cucumber features and scenarios. I do bdd whenever I can (I even wrote a detailed post about it), but in ruby I don't want to have test cases both under .
- Put Your TODO Items Into Your Test Case Until now I was using a TODO file for tracking ideas and the things I still had to do. A couple of days ago, while I was working on a small ruby project, I remembered that I had to check out something after I was done with my current task, so I opened the TODO file and added a line.
- Saving the Continuous Integration I really like continuous integration, that's why I'm always sad when I see one dying. Unfortunately, I've seen it happen a lot, and in every case its lifeline looked like this.
- Building a Bridge a.k.a Parallel Changes Several days ago, we had a coding dojo at Digital Natives.