- Spring-Boot Configuration Properties I wanted to switch in my spring-boot microservices project from hard coded values to configurable ones.
- Teaser Talk about Development at the University I've recently given a teaser talk about software development at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The audience was great and thank you for coming folks, I really appreciate it!I wasn't talking much about programming, because nowadays a programmer or software developer is expected to know and do testing, and keep in mind two things: quality and user satisfaction.
- No Attributes in Objects I just realised that I rarely define attributes in my classes (the dependency injection references are exceptions) and I'm passing everything as a parameter. So instead of this.
- Fast or Accurate Applications? It is a common topic between software developers whether an application should be fast or accurate. I've always chosen accuracy over speed until now, like when I was solving problem 7 on project euler, which sounded very simple.
- Spike and a New Workflow The other day I found myself writing a single test case the whole day without making a significant progress in the production code. It wasn't efficient at all and I wasted the whole day on stupid test cases - so it was time to ditch TDD for the rest of the weekend and try something different.
- Cucumber JVM: Hooks I finished the previous post with the promise that I'm going write more about hooks in cucumber. By definition, hooks allow us to perform actions at various points in the cucumber test cycle. The definition wisely doesn't say much about these actions and the points where they are executed.
- Cucumber JVM: Web Application with Spring MVC It's been a while since the last Cucumber JVM post, and since I've started to work with Java based web applications, it was time to continue the series. Last time I left off, I had a class that could transform an arbitrary sentence such as I like testing into I lkie tnitseg by following the rules of the text munger kata.
- Javascript: use the forEach Method and Do not Bother with Scopes I recently started to re-learn Javascript because I would like to build better web applications, and in order to that, I need a solid understanding of the language. The last time I was learning about Javascript, I was taught that it was a younger brother of Java, so if I had a good understanding of Java, I would be fine with Javascript.
- Embedded Web Services For Testing Web Applications from JUnit Quite recently, I was working on a Java based web application. Everything went very well until I tried to test it. I was looking for a way to run my selenium based test cases with one click, because the manual deployment to tomcat was starting to be annoying.
- Put Your TODO Items Into Your Test Case Until now I was using a TODO file for tracking ideas and the things I still had to do. A couple of days ago, while I was working on a small ruby project, I remembered that I had to check out something after I was done with my current task, so I opened the TODO file and added a line.
- A Real Man Dares to Delete Code I have seen a lot during the last couple of years, but I have never seen a single developer who deleted working code. Writers are known to delete complete chapters, artists to start from scratch all over again, but for unknown reasons, developers just don't delete their code and start over.
- How I Start Working with Legacy Code While I was cleaning up one of my old folders, I found an old application jar file from 2004. I remember that I wrote this app for my friend who used it for calculating some kind of gas consumption.
- Cucumber JVM: Mocking In the previous cucumber-jvm post I introduced dependency injection, which makes it possible to use mocks during testing. Usually, it is a bad idea to introduce mocks in cucumber scenarios, because they are supposed to test the whole system as it is, however there are cases when mocking comes in handy: for example, a module or component of your system communicates with a 3rd party system.
- Cucumber JVM: Dependency Injection Last time I finished with a failing test case which drove the development to a phase where I had to deal with a sentence instead of a word. The fix was not a big deal, but I ended up with a method in SimpleTextMunger which did three things.
- Cucumber JVM: More Scenarios In my previous post I started to play around with cucumber-jvm to see how it could be used for Java development. Last time I finished with one scenario and now I'm going to move forward with my simple text munger implementation and see how to use cucumber-jvm with multiple scenarios.
- A Step by Step BDD Demonstration with Some Useful Insights According to Stephen Covey, the seventh habit of highly effective people is sharpening the saw. If you have ever been to an agile workshop or conference, you may have already heard this expression. Software craftsmen sharpen their saw at coding dojos where they talk to each other a talk about new things or do Kata exercises together.
- Cucumber JVM: Preparation Every time I wrote some code in ruby and executed our cucumber features I craved for something similar in Java. I knew that there were several BDD frameworks for Java like JBehave, JDave, and EasyB, but none of them was right for me.
- Building a Bridge a.k.a Parallel Changes Several days ago, we had a coding dojo at Digital Natives.