Cucumber JVM: Dependency Injection

Last time I finished with a failing test case which drove the development to a phase where I had to deal with a sentence instead of a word. The fix was not a big deal, but I ended up with a method in SimpleTextMunger which did three things:

// ...
public String execute(String sentence) {
  StringBuilder mungedSentence = new StringBuilder();
  for (String word : sentence.split(" ")) {
    mungedSentence.append(mungeAWord(word)).append(" ");
  return mungedSentence.toString().trim();

private String mungeAWord(String word) {
  // ... prior content of the execute(String) method
  1. convert the sentence into words

  2. munge a word

  3. collect the munged words and create the new sentence

The first and the third one belong together because they work with a sentence, so I created two classes - SentenceHelper and Munger -, which are used by the

public class SimpleTextMunger {
  public String execute(String sentence) {
    SentenceHelper sentenceHelper = new SentenceHelper();
    Munger munger = new Munger();

    List words = sentenceHelper.split(sentence);
    for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
      words.set(i, munger.munge(words.get(i)));
    return sentenceHelper.join(words);

class Munger {
  public String munge(String word) {
    // the same as before

class SentenceHelper {
  public List split(String sentence) {
    // ...

  public String join(List words) {
    // ...

One day, I’d like to write unit tests, mocks - you know, the whole package -, so I must move those two new statements out of the scope of the execute method. I’m just going to hack a solution together using spring to see whether it works or not. I can do it now, because all the scenarios are green.

This is the best thing about scenarios and BDD, that I can do experimenting, spiking, refactoring or anything else without changing the test cases. Try to do it with unit tests: the moment you move something, the mocks will turn red and you have to do a lot of unnecessary work by fixing them.

Here is the code - it is ugly -, but it works (if you are new to spring, please have a look at its documentation first):

public String execute(String sentence) {

  AbstractApplicationContext factory =
         new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
            new String[] {"/applicationContext.xml"});
  SentenceHelper sentenceHelper =
         (SentenceHelper) factory.getBean("sentenceHelper");
  Munger munger = (Munger) factory.getBean("munger");

  List words = sentenceHelper.split(sentence);
  for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
    words.set(i, munger.munge(words.get(i)));

  return sentenceHelper.join(words);

The applicationContext.xml is very simple: has nothing more than a component-scan directive:


    <context:component-scan base-package="" />

It looks better after a couple of small changes,

public class SimpleTextMunger {

  private final SentenceHelper sentenceHelper;
  private final Munger munger;

  public SimpleTextMunger(SentenceHelper sentenceHelper,
                          Munger munger) {
    this.sentenceHelper = sentenceHelper;
    this.munger = munger;

  public String execute(String sentence) {
    List words = sentenceHelper.split(sentence);
    for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
      words.set(i, munger.munge(words.get(i)));
    return sentenceHelper.join(words);

Now the code doesn’t compile, because the uses a default constructor, but after the following change, the code compiles, the test cases run and they are green -

@Given("^I have an instance of my class$")
public void I_have_an_instance_of_my_class() {
  munger = new SimpleTextMunger(new SentenceHelper(), new Munger());

It is really good that the code is cleaner now, on the other hand it has nothing to do with spring: with the change above I got rid of the factory.getBean() calls, which I have to bring back somehow. Spring has a nice utility called SpringJUnit4ClassRunner which does all the ApplicationContext and factory.getBean() calls in the background. It should be used like in com/zsoltfabok/blog/spring/

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/applicationContext.xml" })
public class SimpleTextMungerTest {
  private SimpleTextMunger simpleTextMunger;

  public void shouldMungeASimpleWord() {
    assertEquals("wrod", simpleTextMunger.execute("word"));

This test case runs, and it is green. Somehow I should integrate this structure into my feature -

public class SimpleTextMunger_Test {

Now I have a small problem with the @RunWith annotation. @RunWith tells JUnit to run the test cases in a special environment, and unfortunately there can be only one of these environments.

I thought that there had to be a way to solve this issue, so I had a look at the source of the SpringFactory and it looked like the functionality I needed was already there:

public class SpringFactory implements ObjectFactory {

  private static AbstractApplicationContext applicationContext;

  private StaticApplicationContext stepContext;
  private final Collection> stepClasses = new ArrayList>();

  static {
    applicationContext =
      new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
          new String[]{"cucumber.xml"});
  // ...

So the only thing I have to do is create a cucumber.xml and make it visible for the test cases:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <context:component-scan base-package=""/>

    <import resource="classpath*:/applicationContext.xml"/>

The SpringFactory loads the ClassPathXmlApplicationContext using the cucumber.xml - which is an applicationContext.xml by the way -, and loads every available applicationContext.xml:

  <context:component-scan base-package="" />
  <context:annotation-config />
  <import resource="classpath*:/applicationContext.xml" />

So technically it does all the work I need. Let’s change the step definitions -

public class SimpleTextMungerStepsdef {

  private SimpleTextMunger munger;
  private String result;

  @Given("^I have an instance of my class$")
  public void I_have_an_instance_of_my_class() {
  // ...

After adding the @Autowired annotation and removing the content of the I_have_an_instance_of_my_class step, my feature executes just fine. Although the step, is empty I’m going to leave it like that for now, because it makes the scenarios readable, and I also may need this step in the future.

So far so good, because cucumber-jvm covers every aspect I need when I’m working with Java code. In the next post I’m going to see how cucumber-jvm works with mocking frameworks. Until thatyou can find the source for this post under the episode_3 branch of the repository on github. Stay tuned!

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