- Fast or Accurate Applications? It is a common topic between software developers whether an application should be fast or accurate. I've always chosen accuracy over speed until now, like when I was solving problem 7 on project euler, which sounded very simple.
- A Real Man Dares to Delete Code I have seen a lot during the last couple of years, but I have never seen a single developer who deleted working code. Writers are known to delete complete chapters, artists to start from scratch all over again, but for unknown reasons, developers just don't delete their code and start over.
- We Need Realistic Coding Dojos I'm not sure about your experience with coding dojos, but this is what happens to me every time I attend a series of coding dojos or organize one.
- A Step by Step BDD Demonstration with Some Useful Insights According to Stephen Covey, the seventh habit of highly effective people is sharpening the saw. If you have ever been to an agile workshop or conference, you may have already heard this expression. Software craftsmen sharpen their saw at coding dojos where they talk to each other a talk about new things or do Kata exercises together.
- Building a Bridge a.k.a Parallel Changes Several days ago, we had a coding dojo at Digital Natives.
- Code Review During Retrospective Most of the retrospectives I've kept or participated in were about agile approaches (for example communication with the Product Owner) and organisation-related changes, but not everybody is into these. Most software engineers and craftsmen aren't that interested in how to deliver faster, or how to communicate better, they are interested in how to be better at their profession: programming.
- Weekly - CW18 I'm still a bit busy, but nevertheless here is the collection for calendar week 18, 2011.
- Weekly - CW12 I usually exchange interesting articles, presentations and links with my friends in many different ways. I thought it would be better to use one simple way, so I'm going start a weekly series where I post articles, presentations and links I read during the week and find interesting.
- Testing the Stack Implementation I've created my own version of the exercise used during my first agile job interview in order to compare it to the result of the pair programming session of the job interview. The exercise was quite simple.
- jMock versus Mockito I've been using jMock for more than a year now, but recently I came across mockito. In this post, I'll show the difference between jMock and mockito - without judging which one is better - using the basic features I've been using the most often from jMock.
- Using Kata for Improvements I used to keep coding dojos for my colleagues, and it was sometimes very hard to find the right topic. I recently rediscovered the code kata - I did it earlier, but stopped after a short period -, and got an idea. I'm going to use it for discovering areas where our teams can improve.
- One Step Back In Testing There are several advantages and disadvantages of Test Driven Development. In this post, I have no intention of repeating any of these, instead, I'd like to show a way to use TDD effectively while changing legacy code.### The ProblemHave a look at this legacy code:This code does not do much; it accepts two words separated with a space, and returns true/false depending on whether the words are equal or not.