jMock versus Mockito

I’ve been using jMock for more than a year now, but recently I came across mockito. In this post, I’ll show the difference between jMock and mockito - without judging which one is better - using the basic features I’ve been using the most often from jMock. I admit that there are more features than presented in this post, but for starters, I find these enough.

The versions under comparison:

The Test Object

For this demonstration, I’m using a very fictional, but simple code example which fits the purpose of comparison.

The skeleton of the main class which is going to be tested:

public class PosTerminal {

  private static final String SHOP_ACCOUNT_NUMBER = "00000000-00000000";
  private final ReceiptPrinter receiptPrinter;
  private final BankConnection bankConnection;

  public PosTerminal(BankConnection bankConnection,
                           ReceiptPrinter receiptPrinter) {
    this.bankConnection = bankConnection;
    this.receiptPrinter = receiptPrinter;

  public boolean buyWithCard(int amountOfMoney, String cardNumber) {

The skeleton of the first injected class:

public class BankConnection {

  public Account getAccountByCardNumber(String cardNumber) {
    return null;

  public Account getAccountByAccountNumber(String accountNumber) {
    return null;

The skeleton of the second injected class:

public class ReceiptPrinter {
  public void print(String string) {

And the interface for accounts:

public interface Account {
        boolean withdraw(int amountOfMoney, String destinationAccountNumber);
        boolean enter(int amountOfMoney, String sourceAccountNumber);
        void rollback();
        void commit();

Creating Mocks


import org.jmock.Mockery;
import org.junit.Test;

public class PosTerminalTest {
    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {
        Mockery context = new Mockery();

        BankConnection bankConnection = context.mock(BankConnection.class);
        ReceiptPrinter receiptPrinter = context.mock(ReceiptPrinter.class);
        // the test case continues...


import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import org.junit.Test;

public class PosTerminalTest {
    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {
        BankConnection bankConnection = mock(BankConnection.class);
        ReceiptPrinter receiptPrinter = mock(ReceiptPrinter.class);
        // the test case continues...

There is no significant difference here. jMock uses a context for handling mocks, while mockito solves it with statically imported methods.

Mocking Classes

If you compile and execute the examples above, the following exception is raised when the jMock test case is executed:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: com.zsoltfabok.dojo.mocks.BankConnection is not an interface

jMock is designed to mock interfaces, not classes. It forces the developer to use interfaces, which is a good programming practice, but sometimes it is an overhead. Imagine that you are working on a legacy code. There is no way to extract interfaces for every single class just to satisfy a mocking framework. Fortunately, you can set jMock so that it can mock classes:

// the same as before ...
        Mockery context = new Mockery() { {
        } };
        // the same as before ...

There is no need for such setting in the mockito based test case.

Two Of The Same Kind of Mocks

During testing the PosTerminal class, we need to fetch two Accounts from the BankConnection. One for the card owner (customer) and one for the shop. They will be mocks, too: ## jMock

// the same as before ...
        Account customerAccount = context.mock(Account.class);
        Account shopAccount = context.mock(Account.class);
        // the same as before ...


// the same as before ...
        Account customerAccount = mock(Account.class);
        Account shopAccount = mock(Account.class);
        // the same as before ...

No difference here at first sight. After executing the jMock test case, the following exception is raised:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: a mock with name account already exists

Internally, jMock uses name references for handling mocks, and if no name is specified, the name will be the type of the mock. In the example above, we have two* Account*s with the same name. The problem can be solved easily:

// the same as before ...
        Account customerAccount = context.mock(Account.class, "customer account");
        Account shopAccount = context.mock(Account.class, "shop account");
        // the same as before ...


Based on the mockito and* jMock *documentation it is possible to setup mocks with annotations, which is excellent, because with this approach, I can make the test case much simpler.


Although the current stable jMock documentation describes the @Mock annotation, I was unable to find it in the framework.


import org.mockito.Mock;
// Other import statements ...

public class PosTerminalTest {
    private BankConnection bankConnection;
    private ReceiptPrinter receiptPrinter;
    private Account customerAccount;
    private Account shopAccount;

    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {

Note that in order to make it work, you need a @RunWith annotation. # Call Verification and Return Value Handling

This is the good part; how our class communicates with the injected classes. The verification is quite simple: check whether or not a method of the mock is called. The other thing is how our class can handle the return value of a method of a mock.


    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {
        PosTerminal posTerminal = new PosTerminal(bankConnection, receiptPrinter);

        context.checking(new Expectations() { {

            // Other oneOf() will() statements ...

            oneOf(receiptPrinter).print("Successful withdrawal");
        } });

        posTerminal.buyWithCard(100, "1000-0000-0001-0003");


    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {
        PosTerminal posTerminal = new PosTerminal(bankConnection, receiptPrinter);


        // Other when(...).thenReturn(...) calls ...

        posTerminal.buyWithCard(100, "1000-0000-0001-0003");

        verify(receiptPrinter).print("Successful withdrawal");

The order in which the methods are called is important. In case of jMock, the Expectations shall come before the method call, and in case of mockito the verify() always afterwards. There is no significant difference between jMock and mockito in this case, besides readability. The verify() method call clearly states that the we are just checking if a method is called. This clear difference makes the code more readable for me. Another readability thing is that for me, the inner class Expectations is less readable. If the mocks are not fields, then, because of the inner class, I have to make the mocks final.

Argument Matchers

Sometimes one or more arguments are not relevant when a method of a mock object is called.


context.checking(new Expectations() { {
            // Other oneOf() will() statements ...


            oneOf(shopAccount).enter(with(100), with(any(String.class)));

           // Other oneOf() will() statements ...
        } });


import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyInt;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
// Other parts of the code ...
    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {
       // Other when(...).thenReturn(...) calls ...

        when(customerAccount.withdraw(anyInt(), anyString())).thenReturn(true);
        when(shopAccount.enter(eq(100), anyString())).thenReturn(true);

        // Other when(...).thenReturn(...)  and verify(...) calls ...

The are no differences here, but I find the mockito version more readable. One additional thing is that neither of the frameworks support mixing the matchers with exact matches, for example:


Mind the missing with() call:

context.checking(new Expectations() { {
    // Other oneOf() will() statements ...

    oneOf(shopAccount).enter(100, with(any(String.class)));

   // Other oneOf() will() statements ...
} });

The following exception will be raised during execution:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: not all parameters were given explicit matchers: either all parameters must be specified by matchers or all must be specified by values, you cannot mix matchers and values


Mind the missing eq() call:

// Other when(...).thenReturn(...) calls ...

        when(shopAccount.enter(100, anyString())).thenReturn(true);

        // Other when(...).thenReturn(...)  and verify(...) calls ...

The following exception will be raised during execution:

org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.InvalidUseOfMatchersException: * *Invalid use of argument matchers! 2 matchers expected, 1 recorded. This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values: //incorrect: someMethod(anyObject(), “raw String”); When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers. For example: //correct: someMethod(anyObject(), eq(“String by matcher”)); org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.InvalidUseOfMatchersException: Invalid use of argument matchers!2 matchers expected, 1 recorded.This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values:    //incorrect:    someMethod(anyObject(), “raw String”);When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers.For example:    //correct:    someMethod(anyObject(), eq(“String by matcher”));

The output of mockito provides a bit more information.

Number of Invocations

Sometimes the number of invocations of a certain method is important. The approaches of jMock and mockito are quite the same, except that the number of invocations is used with the verify() method in mockito.


context.checking(new Expectations() { {
           // Other oneOf() will() statements ...

        } });


context.checking(new Expectations() { {
           // Other oneOf() will() statements ...

        } });


context.checking(new Expectations() { {
           // Other oneOf() will() statements ...

        } });


// Other when(...).thenReturn(...) calls ...

        verify(receiptPrinter, times(1)).print(anyString());

        // Other verify() calls ...


// Other when(...).thenReturn(...) calls ...

        verify(receiptPrinter, atLeast(1)).print(anyString());

        // Other verify() calls ...


// Other when(...).thenReturn(...) calls ...

        verify(receiptPrinter, never()).print(anyString());

        // Other verify() calls ...

There are plenty of other possibilities. jMock has allowing() and ignoring() options, which are not available in mockito. On the other hand, mockito has an only() method which makes the code more readable. In jMock, if an unexpected method call is made, a RuntimeException is thrown. In mockito this feature is not available. There is an issue for it with number 162.

Consecutive Calls


context.checking(new Expectations() { {
            // Other oneOf() will() statements ...

            oneOf(shopAccount).enter(with(100), with(any(String.class)));
            will(onConsecutiveCalls(returnValue(true), returnValue(false),
        } });


// Other when(...).thenReturn(...) calls ...
        when(shopAccount.enter(eq(100), anyString())).thenReturn(true, false, false);

No difference, but I find mockito more readable.

Verify Call Order


    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {
        PosTerminal posTerminal = new PosTerminal(bankConnection, receiptPrinter);

        final Sequence sequence = context.sequence("account order");
        context.checking(new Expectations() { {
            // Other oneOf() will() statements ...


            atLeast(1).of(shopAccount).enter(with(100), with(any(String.class)));
        } });

        posTerminal.buyWithCard(100, "1000-0000-0001-0003");


    public void shouldPrintSuccessfulWithdrawal() {
        PosTerminal posTerminal = new PosTerminal(bankConnection, receiptPrinter);

        posTerminal.buyWithCard(100, "1000-0000-0001-0003");

        InOrder inOrder = Mockito.inOrder(customerAccount, shopAccount);
        inOrder.verify(customerAccount).withdraw(anyInt(), anyString());
        inOrder.verify(shopAccount).enter(anyInt(), anyString());


One significant difference here: in case of mockito the involved mocks need to be injected when creating the InOrder (Sequence equivalent) object. # Exception Handling


context.checking(new Expectations() { {
            will(throwException(new RuntimeException()));
         } });


          .thenThrow(new RuntimeException());

No difference, other than readability. # Setup

In order to make the examples compile and run I had to add the following external libraries. ## jMock

  • jmock-2.5.1.jar

  • jmock-junit4-2.5.1.jar

  • hamcrest-core-1.1.jar

  • hamcrest-library-1.1.jar

  • jmock-legacy-2.5.1.jar

  • cglib-2.1_3-src.jar

  • cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar

  • objenesis-1.0.jar


  • mockito-all-1.8.5.jar

Some of the jMock libraries were added after I tried to run my test cases and it took me quite some time to find out the right build path. With mockito, I just had to add one simple jar file.


jMock and mockito are both very well documented with examples and good practical hints. However, based on the examples above I find the test cases more readable with **mockito*. In my next project I’m definitely going to work with *mockito. One good advice: if you make the same decision, do not mix jMock and mockito in your test code. It will make your code unreadable, and additionally it might not even work: it would be hard to execute a mockito mock related code in a jMock TestRunner (mind the @RunWith annotations).

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