- Agicon - One Does Not Simply Improves without Visualisation I gave a talk at the Agicon 2016 conference about Kanban, focusing mostly on visualisation and how it can help to improve different kind of organisations from startups to large enterprises. You can find the slides here.
- Visit at Cluj Napoca My old friend Victor invited me to Cluj Napoca, Romania to talk about software development in practice. There were three talks in the morning at his company evoline and a fourth talk late afternoon at the local meetup group. We started the day with an introduction to Kanban, because the audience knew about Agile, but Kanban was something new, and additionally we needed it for the maintenance-related presentation: Kanban Basics for Beginners Revised from Zsolt Fabok After a short break we continued with a longer talk about maintenance and how to use Agile, Lean, Kanban and leadership techniques in order to stabilise a maintenance situation: Kanban Basics for Beginners Revised from Zsolt Fabok The last presentation was about how to use Agile techniques without saying Agile: Agile in Stealth Mode from Zsolt Fabok My talk at the meetup became a bit longer than I expected, but we had - at least I felt like that - a great discussion how the software development process evolved at Digital Natives - my current company - and, uniquely, we talked about what we were doing right and where we failed: Evolution of the Software Development Process at Digital Natives from Zsolt Fabok I promised a list of books worth reading.
- When Expand and Collapse Got Beaten Today's post is an instructive story about mixing various good patterns and ideas. They are very useful separately, but when one uses them together, they may lead to problems which nobody wants to deal with at all. We found several different defects in a certain feature, and in order to reduce handover costs I collapsed them together to make an umbrella defect (defect1+defect2+.
- Our Detective's Blackboard My colleague Attila and I had an interesting discussion several days ago.
- Brown Bag Lunch Talk: Measure and Manage Flow This Tuesday, I had my first brown bag lunch talk at prezi, where I talked about measuring and managing the flow. Here are my slides.
- Meetup: Kanban in 5 Minutes Yesterday evening I gave a 5 minute long lightning talk at Bp New Tech Meetup about Kanban focusing on the measure and manage flow principle. Here are my slides.
- Third Meetup - Open Space This Wednesday we held the third event of the Budapest Lean and Kanban Meetup Group, which was excellent in my point of view, and we had great discussions. In the beginning we collected the following topics.
- Physical and Electronic Boards Several weeks ago, I went to a team leader event with @csapoz and Krisz, where - besides other interesting topics - we talked about the usage of physical and electronic Kanban and Scrum boards. At that time I thought that electronic boards were evil - kill communication and collaboration -, but I decided to give a try to their suggestion: use the physical board for tracking and collaboration, and use the electronic board for administration.
- Kanban on Organisational Level A couple of days ago, I talked to the head of an organisation, who was having a hard time to get an overview of the current work of her organisation, and struggling to have enough manpower in order to deliver products in time. This is a common problem, I had talked to other leaders who had the same issue, and in fact I was in a similar situation before myself.
- Visualize Workflow With DoD Line One of the key principles of Kanban is to visualize the workflow. A common practice for that is to have a Kanban board where the proper phases are visualized. In most of the cases, there is a criterion for moving an item from one phase to another, but this criterion is not written down, or in a better case it is written down, but in a word document or in a wiki article.
- Never Move Items Back on a Kanban Board I've been doing Kanban for a while now, and I get the following question almost on a daily basis.