- Debrecen Tech and Startup Meetup - What Scrum, Kanban, and Lean Have Ever Done for Us? I gave my last talk at the Debrecen Tech and Startup Meetup for a local community about how Scrum, Kanban, and Lean can help small or startup companies achieve their success. Scrum, Kanban, and Lean are very good at improving processes, which we need for fast delivery, and Agile/Lean UX to find the right product to deliver, so I put emphasis on these parts.
- Agile, Lean and UX is Coming This time I was talking about the basics of Agile and Lean methodologies and how to apply the UX principles in them. Here are the slides.
- Philosophies of Building the Workplace I gave my second talk at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics to psychology students about the philosophies we use to build and improve a workplace. I covered a wide range of topics (Taylor, Kanban, staff liquidity, cynefin, etc.) and promised the students to share some references and further reading materials.
- I broke the WIP limit TWICE, still on the team - slides I've finally uploaded the slides for my I broke the WIP limit TWICE, still on the team talk. I gave this talk at Lean Kanban France and at Make Better Decisions with Modern Management Methods (a.k.a. Lean Kanban the Netherlands 2013), and will give it at the same branded conference in London in a week (a.
- The Traditional Gemba Walk Has Low Value in Software Engineering I was at the dare13 conference last week where we were talking during a lean coffee session about the Gemba Walk and its value in software engineering. The Gemba Walk is a Lean practice where executives regularly visit the factory floor with a Lean teacher, sensei, or coach, and learn about the [flow][11] by observation, and look for improvement opportunities (reducing waste).
- The Optimal Batch Size If you have read the coin game post (in case you haven't, click here, read it - it is a quick and good read by the way -, and come back), you may wonder why the batch size of 6 produced the shortest completion time in the example game. Let's find out.
- There is a Difference Between Effective and Efficient I try not correct people when they talk, but when we are in the middle of a Lean transition, it is important to see the difference between effective and efficient and use these adjectives properly. Most of the people I'm in touch with are non-native English speakers and this could make it difficult to see the difference, because these concepts may be described with the same word in their native language.
- The Problems of the Capacity Utilization I found a very interesting quote that I wrote in one of my notebooks a long time ago.
- Waste in Software Development In my community, we love to say the word waste - from lean - out loud. There isn't a meeting without mentioning it at least once, and when it is mentioned, the phrase we have to eliminate waste follows. This is something that is very easy to say.
- The Budapest Lean and Kanban Meetup Group is One Year Old It is always a great thing to meet the local Lean and Kanban community in Budapest, and this latest event was even more special, because our local group just became one year old. Happy Birthday!After my talk about Agile and Lean in software maintenance environment, we had a delicious cake and a great discussion about how to adapt certain Agile and Lean principles in maintenance projects and we also shared several practical ideas.
- Visit at Targu Mures A couple of weeks ago, I was told that a new Agile meetup group was about to be started in Targu Mures - even the local newspaper wrote about it - and the organizers wanted me to give a special talk about the Agile way of working. It was a great opportunity for me to visit Transylvania again and meet the forming community there.
- When Local Optimization Won't Make a Difference A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned at the office during my measure and manage flow in practice talk that we should invest more in optimizing the whole flow and reduce the effort spend on local optimizations. In retrospect, I didn't spend too much time on explaining why, because it had a very loose connection to the subject of the talk, and I assumed that the audience would understand what I meant anyway.
- ACCU 2012 The last weeks were a bit busy and I didn't have the chance to share my slides from ACCU2012, but now I have some time, so here they are.
- See the Whole Flow - An Exercise for Managers to Start a Transition Last week, I got an interesting assignment from my boss.
- Visualize the Flow on the Highest Possible Level I gave an internal workshop about Kanban a couple of days ago, and the colleagues who were there looked enlightened when I mentioned that Kanban should visualize the whole process, because this is the place where it can help the most. Don't get me wrong, it is also fine to have Kanban on the team level, but the real optimization and improvement should happen on the highest possible level.
- Speaking at Ericsson Hungary It may sound strange at first, but I was ask by my former employer Ericsson Hungary to give an invited talk. There were two sessions.
- When Expand and Collapse Got Beaten Today's post is an instructive story about mixing various good patterns and ideas. They are very useful separately, but when one uses them together, they may lead to problems which nobody wants to deal with at all. We found several different defects in a certain feature, and in order to reduce handover costs I collapsed them together to make an umbrella defect (defect1+defect2+.
- Brown Bag Lunch Talk: Measure and Manage Flow This Tuesday, I had my first brown bag lunch talk at prezi, where I talked about measuring and managing the flow. Here are my slides.
- Customer Diversity Last year at xp2010 Scott E. Page talked about the benefits of diversity inside an organisation. According to Scott, diversity improves the performance and decision making process of an organisation. Today late afternoon I attended a startup meetup event where Patrick Vlaskovits talked a bit about the diversity among customers.
- Third Meetup - Open Space This Wednesday we held the third event of the Budapest Lean and Kanban Meetup Group, which was excellent in my point of view, and we had great discussions. In the beginning we collected the following topics.
- Physical and Electronic Boards Several weeks ago, I went to a team leader event with @csapoz and Krisz, where - besides other interesting topics - we talked about the usage of physical and electronic Kanban and Scrum boards. At that time I thought that electronic boards were evil - kill communication and collaboration -, but I decided to give a try to their suggestion: use the physical board for tracking and collaboration, and use the electronic board for administration.
- Reducing Waste in Testing - The Problem Testing is the most important part of any kind of software development methodology, but it is also the most neglected one. Nowadays, when an organisation does testing, it produces such a high amount of waste that the whole development process becomes very expensive, which makes it harder to win projects over the competition and risks the existing relationship with the customer.
- Kanban on Organisational Level A couple of days ago, I talked to the head of an organisation, who was having a hard time to get an overview of the current work of her organisation, and struggling to have enough manpower in order to deliver products in time. This is a common problem, I had talked to other leaders who had the same issue, and in fact I was in a similar situation before myself.
- Weekly - CW18 I'm still a bit busy, but nevertheless here is the collection for calendar week 18, 2011.